Friday, December 7, 2007

Yale Daily News column, 12/6/2007: death, social class and metamorphosis.

(Helpful background: unsafe practices regarding pieces of scenery cause School of Drama student to get killed during load-in; the story generates 41 eulogies in the comments section; meanwhile, most of campus is talking about op-ed piece written by Eton alum decrying classism in pricing at the library cafe.)

I wish I were kidding about that last one, but I'm not. I find it unfortunate that only a few online commenters had the courage to ask whether the author actually knew anyone for whom this was an issue, or if he were sympathizing with the plight of purely speculative individuals.


Sorry that posting has been infrequent at best; most of my energy is going into term papers. If I'm lucky, they'll yield passages worth posting. Otherwise, I'll see you in a week or so.